Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Bruins Will Be Golfing Tomorrow

I had a good day.  Typical Saturday.  I went to the Post Office, mailed the painting to California, then dropped my husband off to do laundry while I went grocery shopping.  I was so efficient at shopping that when I got back to the Laundromat, it had only been 25 minutes and the laundry was just being put into the dryer.  Once the laundry was done, we headed home, put the groceries away, and just chilled out.  My husband sharpened a few of his knives and I took a nap.  Boring Saturday.

Not quite boring for all the Bruins fans who still have faith.  Apparently I'm not one of them.  They have to win against Tampa Bay who is at the top of the division, and the Pittsburgh Penguins have to lose against the worst team in the league, in order to make the playoffs.  And Tampa Bay just scored.  And the Penguins just scored.  Argh.  Last season the Bruins were top of the league.  What happened?

So now that the Bruins are off to play golf tomorrow, I have to be bored until football season I guess.
Allergy season has started for me.  Today was the first day I noticed them.  I called my insurance company and it turns out Claritin is covered.  I will be picking that up on Monday, thank you very much.  For now it's just Benedryl.

Oh the joys of Facebook.  It seems that I still rely on it for contact with the outside world.  Not working makes it hard to interact with people.  I have my husband who is my best friend, but we shouldn't be together every single second or we'll get on each other's nerves.  If it weren't for Facebook, I don't know how I would get by.  So thank you Mark Zuckerberg, for inventing such an interesting website.

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