Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Saturday Undone

I finished my first Professional Painting job last night.  Unfortunately I was up way too late.  I took my bedtime pills and fell asleep after midnight.  When the alarm went off at 7:40am I could not for the life of me wake up.  My step father arrived at 8:30 and I was still asleep.  I slept through until he left, picked up my mom, and came back, with my mother giving me a stern lecture about keeping him waiting for an hour.  I could not wake Jason up who had gone to bed after 3am.

I went to PetSmart, Petco, Market Basket, and CVS.  I was supposed to also do laundry and mail out the painting I had completed the night before.  Only I couldn't find my packing supplies to wrap the painting so that didn't happen.  I'll have to go later this week.  I promised my client she would get it soon and I have got to follow through.  She's so excited about her painting and I can't wait for her to have it!  And laundry, yikes, I just did not have the time.

So why go to both PetSmart and Petco?  The guinea pig food is only sold at PetSmart, and the snake food is only sold at Petco.  Fortunately they are across the street from each other.

Now I am doing surveys for money online, and hanging out online.  I will cook a wonderful dinner for my loving husband and we will relax and prepare for tomorrow.  Tomorrow we are going to my in-laws for Easter.  That will be nice.

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