Friday, April 24, 2015

Once Upon A Time

I can't wait to see Disney's Live Action Beauty And The Beast starring Emma Watson.  I love her, I truly do.  In a WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) kind of way.  I will probably watch it a 100 times before I get sick of it.  I love Beauty and the Beast.  I love the Disney animated film, I love the Broadway Musical, I love the soundtrack.  And I hope I will love the movie starring Emma Watson.

Today Max, the cleaner/de-clutter guy, helped me clear off my kitchen table.  It should be usable next week when we put my husband's tool box in the storage room and pull the chairs out of the storage room.  We didn't have time today, but next week we'll get it done and then I can have my Dad over for dinner.  I don't know what I'll serve him, as he's practically Vegan.  He doesn't eat meet or his fat dairy or regular eggs.  So he's not 100% Vegan.  He does drink low-fat milk and eat low-fat cheese.  He's been doing this ever since he had a mild stroke two weeks before my wedding.  That was scary.  I thought I was going to have to put the whole wedding off.  Fortunately he was even able to dance with me, that's how mild of a stroke it was.

I had a migraine earlier and I took some Fioricet and took a nap and now I feel much better.  I hate migraines.  They disrupt life so much.

The piggies hay arrived.  Thank God.  I was feeding them the very last scraps.  I hate it when they run out.  It makes me feel like a bad piggy mother.  Of course they're only out of it for like 12 hours so it's not like I'm depriving them for days, but still, the rule is hay available 24/7.

I'm not in a painting kind of place.  It's been a hard week.  I can't write either.  I just sit here watching the Hunger Games, trying to center myself.  I mentioned in a previous post that the Hunger Games film series is therapy to me.  I use it when I'm in a state of crisis or in a panic attack of depression (I can't explain that any better).  Last night I experienced a panic attack, so I took anti-anxiety meds, put on The Hunger Games, and calmed down.  I wouldn't suggest it for everyone as the Hunger Games is kind of depressing.  But it helps me.  Find the movie that helps you and you can do the same.

Well, I'm off to cook dinner!  A housewife's job is never done.

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