Monday, April 20, 2015

FOX News Is Evil

FOX News is the devil.  Basically it brainwashes easily brainwashable citizens into believing what it is "covering".  The false stories, the denial of Climate Change, The portrayal of Obama as a Muslim (which honestly, even if he was, what exactly would the problem be), the worship of all things Republican.  It's just sick.

Why would anyone deny Climate Change?  That's what I want to know.  It's going to kill our grandchildren.  There won't be a breathable place on Earth and we would have been responsible for so many extinctions.  The Oceans will rise and swallow up low communities, the droughts will be worse.  Have you heard that California is going to run out of water?  And they're still bottling water to sell?  Whoa, that's crazy!  Summers will be hotter, winters will go to extremes.  And what about our oceans and parks that are just full of trash?  How can people think it's okay to just dump trash wherever you feel like it?  There are parts of our oceans what are just miles and miles of trash, yards and yards deep.  Mercury levels in the oceans are rising.  We've over-fished most of the oceans.

Don't get me started on Poachers.  People who kill for fun or to sell ivory or Rhino horns.  You are making them EXTINCT!!!!!!!!!!!!  There will be no more!  How can you live with yourselves?

I can't even go on about FOX News because I refuse to watch it.  All I know are the people who watch it actually believe it's the truth.  From the little I have watched while being over my in-laws' house I have been flabbergasted at the perspective and clear slant of the "news"/

If you're one of the people who watch FOX News, or deny Climate Change, all I can say is I feel sorry for your ignorance.

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