Friday, June 26, 2015


What a beautiful day in the history of this country.  The US finally will join other nations in Marriage Equality.  I had a feeling this would be the outcome and was surprised that it only just barely passed.  Two thirds of the nation now support Marriage Equality so it seems only natural that we have Marriage Equality across all 50 states.  I am happy for my LGBT family and friends.

I found out 6 hours after the fact when I got home from my annual exam at my PCP's office.  I logged into Facebook and saw my friend's post that to celebrate he was going to eat cake for breakfast and get married.  Of course, his wedding has been in the works for a year now.  He lives in California where it's been legal for awhile.  I spent the next two hours reading posts about all that went on.  Then I came across a link to the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington.  They sang the Star Spangled Banner right after the announcement and I broke down and cried, it was so beautiful.

I was especially pleased by President Obama coming out in support of the decision.  He has for some time voiced his opinion that all people should be allowed to marry.

Today was a great day.