Friday, May 8, 2015

I Shouldn't Be Drinking But...

I shouldn't be drinking, but I am.  I think I may be drunk.  Why did I allow myself to get in such a state?  I don't really know.  I'm not supposed to have more than 1 drink at a time, so I suppose Weepy Jenn will make a reappearance in a day or two.  But truthfully I had to loosen up.  I'm still upset about what my husband's parents said about me (they referred to me as "It") and I needed to let loose.  I don't do this often.  I think the last time was in August.  I don't have a drinking problem per se, but every now and then I drink more than I should.  I can have a beer or two at a time, and at my age, that's more than enough.  But tonight seemed special, so I added rum to my Diet Pepsi and drank away.

I don't usually drink much of anything.  We can't afford liquor and this was something I had bought a long time ago.  It's gone now so no more drinking from me.  If my husband gets income I might have an occasional glass of wine or a beer or two, but not for the purpose of getting drunk.  In my mind getting drunk is stupid.  You lose control of your faculties, and you get those annoying hangovers, more so since I'm 35 years old.  I'm too old to get drunk.  So again, why did I?  I guess I have unanswered issues that I need to address.  No, that's a lie.  I just wanted to feel the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.  I want to be free of my financial stressors and the fact that my in-laws think I'm nobody who should be treated with respect.  I'm having a difficult time being sued by one of our credit cards.  Yes that's true, though I haven't mentioned it yet.  We are being sued by one of our creditors.  Yikes.

So the bottom line kids, don't drink.  It turns you into a rambling person, not sure of hwo they want to proceed.

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