Monday, March 9, 2015

The Countess Ashdown

In 2004 and 2005 I started writing again.  I hadn't written a novel in nearly 10 years.  The first novel was untitled.  It was 365 handwritten pages that I wrote during high school classes instead of following along in my studies.  The second novel entitled "For Fun" on my computer, grew from a very wild imagination.  It is very dramatic, and the heroine is literally a hero, saving 4 people's lives throughout the story. It is only 118 single spaced typed pages long, and not quite finished.  It was only a first draft or treatment of the story.  I just reread it and I realize just how much I left out.  But it spans a period of almost 15 years, The main character, the Countess Ashdown, is loosely based on me.  She doesn't start as a Countess.  She doesn't finish as one either.

I am debating whether to change the names (I used real celebrities in it as characters) and allow people to read it.  Although it is horribly out of date and would require a massive rewrite.  I doubt anyone I don't know would like it, but my friends might get a kick out of it.  My family may not as they are in it and even if I change the names, they're still going to know it's them.  I don't speak highly of all my family.  Hmmm...  Perhaps I've said too much already.

I like to write.  I've started about 40 stories since The Countess Ashdown.  I think the longest of those is about 120 pages, but most of them peter out at about 20.  They're all stories of how I imagine my life would be if I created something wonderful and got thrust into the world of Hollywood.  In this particular story my character creates a movie as part of a contest and not only does it win the contest but gets distributed, earning nominations.  Yes I know how unrealistic it is, but it's MY story to tell.  MY fantasy world.  Perhaps it's dangerous sharing a fantasy.  But Jo Rowling did it and created an entire world.  Tolkien did it too.  Why can't it be my fantasy that becomes the next big thing?  Ha ha ha.  I'm only kidding.  I'm not an author.  I'm just a writer who loves making her fantasies words on a computer screen.

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