Friday, July 24, 2015

Oh Hugh Laurie, I Think We Should Be Friends

Hugh Laurie, why do you tug at my heartstrings so?  At least, in my unconscious mind.

Last night I dreamed that I was living on a train that could go all over the world.  Oceans did not stop it.  It was a triple layer train and my family lived on all three floors of the first carriage.  When it went through London, I got off and asked the locals where I could find Stephen Fry.  They pointed me to a gay coffee house and I met one of his friends, which was really Stephen Fry in drag.  I told him, er, her, that I was a great fan of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie and it would mean so much to me if I could meet them.  After drinking tea for a bit, this "friend" sent me to a neighborhood where I found Hugh Laurie's House.  His wife let me in, and they were genuinely excited to see me.  Hugh was entertaining as a host,

The next day I went back and Hugh was there without his wife.  He was babysitting his nephew.  After that I had to get back on the train.  My room on the train was now on a secret underground track, and I was left behind in a gas station in rural Nebraska.  I lived there for a few months, in exile, when I discovered a fax from Stephen Fry offering me a job to help on his new book.  I immediately made my way to an airport and got on a plane.  Hugh Laurie, his wife, and Stephen Fry were also on board.  I went to the front where there were changing areas and put on a pretty pink floral dress, while Hugh confessed to his wife that he was really in love with me.  He then joined me in the front of the plane.  At this point, I woke up.

The truth of the matter is, I am very much in love with my husband.  Hugh Laurie is very much in love with his wife.  Yet in my unconscious mind, we are very much in love.  Sigh.  He is handsome, talented, funny, sexy, and romantic.  I love his song, Let Them Talk, which I'm sure is about his wife.  I sometimes wish my husband would write love songs/poetry about our love.

At any rate, I would love to be friends with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.  Not in this lifetime I fear.

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