Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where I'm Heading

As I lay here in bed, listening to my Hunger Games playlist, I ponder where I am and where I'm going.  Where I am now is a non functioning member of society.  Sad but true.  I am married so that's something.  That's a lot actually.  Maybe I'm being to hard on myself.  I do that.

Where do I want to go?  I want to work with animals, even if it's just a few hours a week.  I want an Emotional Support Dog, trained to help me with my hallucinations and make me feel loved and safe while my husband is at work.  I would get one now but I can't afford a dog.  Vet visits and food add up.  Until my husband is done with school and has a full time job as an ASE Certified Technician, it's not really an option.  Oh but how I wish it were.

In the meantime I have my precious little guinea pigs who squeal when I pick them up, but snuggle and give kisses once they've settled down.  They make me happy but they're not litter trained so they have a tendency to relieve themselves whenever they feel like it whether you're holding them or not.

A dog would teach me more about responsibility and force me to get up in the morning.  I would get exercise walking my dog and we would curl up on my king sized bed while we waited for my husband to come home.  Then we'd leap off the bed and race to the door to welcome him home from work with some hugs and a kiss or two.  It sounds nice, doesn't it?  I can dream about it, can't I?

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