Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dreams and Nightmares

I've said this before.  I am Bipolar.  One of the side effects of being Bipolar is vivid dreaming.  I have very life-like dreams, most of which are nightmares, and I can remember them for a few hours after waking up.  Some might think this is cool, but when you have continuing stressful dreams it can get overwhelming.  For instance, last night I dreamed I was at a lake house on Lake Ontario, when some kind of Asian Militia started bombing the shore.  Then a landing party arrived and held us at gunpoint while they stole all our soda.  It was strange.

I often wonder if I should start a diary of my dreams.  Many people suggest I should.  Though what's the point?  Am I really going to read them again?  IS anyone else going to want to read about the strange depraved dreams I have?

Recently I have been dreaming about the University of Ottawa.  It'd been in my dreams for 3 nights in a row.  I've never been to the University of Ottawa, though I am in love with the city itself.  Zdeno Chara went there, though I've been less obsessed with him and the Bruins since the Bruins have been doing so poorly this year.  (Last night they gave up a 3-0 lead to the Calgary Flames and lost in overtime.)  Maybe I'm meant to move to OTtawa and study there?  Ha ha, no.  I would lose everything I had here.  Though I would gain seeing an Aunt whom I love dearly. You should not tie your future into a dream, which are just a fantasy your brain is making up.

Occasionally I will share some of the good dreams I have with people on Facebook.  A very abridged version that is.  No one wants all the details.  But I tend to do this when people on Facebook are actually in my dreams.  I have the traditional High Schoopl Angst dreams still, and I'm 35 years old!

I take medication to try and keep the nightmares at bay.  Did you know that there is medication out there that can do that?  I take blood pressure medication for that.  My blood pressure is 100% fine and in the normal range, but one of the side effects of this medication is a reduction in nightmares.  It doesn't help completely but I have fewer of the absolutely mind blowing wet your pants kind of nightmares.  I have to confess, I like my Voldemort dreams.  They're frightening but they're a lot of fun.

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