Monday, May 4, 2015

The Storm Has Passed

The voices have stopped.  That's the big thing.  It occurs to me that the voices sound like my "friend" Gary.  I talk to him every week and every week he calls me lazy, fat, etc.  It wasn't his voice I heard, but it was some of the similar things being said.  I also hear, "You married it" over and over.  That's what my in laws said to my husband.  They called me "it".  And how I'm useless because I'm mentally ill.  They're not very nice people.

The extra meds to make the voices go away, however, have left me in a fog.  I had to go to the bank to get the bank check for the rent today and then on to Walmart in the never-ending hunt for Ritalin, and I felt foggy and weak and out of it.  As for the Ritalin, we checked 3 pharmacies to see if they had any in stock and none of them did.  Fortunately I found a pharmacy at the doctors' office where we have to go tomorrow anyway, who had an ample supply.  Hopefully they still do tomorrow.

That's right.  My husband has been diagnosed with ADD, along with Major Depressive Disorder and PTSD.  Between the two of us I'm surprised we can even function.

Being Mentally Ill sucks.  People, even your own family, don't understand what it's like.  It's a disease, just like Diabetes.  There are treatments but it never goes away.  And you can't just shake it off.  When people say, "Just get over it", it makes me mad.  If someone has a broken leg, you don't just say, "Get up and walk on it."  The stigma associated with mental illnesses is offensive and ridiculous.  I hope with proper education, everyone may be a sympathetic friend to those in need.

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