Hello. I can't seem to convince any employers to hire someone who has been out of work for 5 years. It's too tough of a job market to get ahead with that kind of disadvantage. So at the suggestion of a good friend of mine, I've applied to start volunteering. I'm going to start with the MSPCA shelter in Jamaica Plains, cleaning out small animal cages and socializing with the animals. Unfortunately it takes 4-8 weeks to get an orientation scheduled so this might take awhile. In the meantime I'll research other volunteering opportunities. I really want to work with animals, so I'm looking at the area shelters.
Snickers had her first vet visit a week ago. The Vet suggested we put Amy in Snickers cage so the two can get used to one another. Then in a few months, when Snickers is full sized, we can introduce her to the other three. At first Snickers seemed to be afraid of Amy, but I think they're warming up to each other. I hope so. Snickers is the sweetest little guinea pig. She gives us kisses and the Vet told us that she is "grooming" us when she does that. It means we've been accepted. It's so sweet.
We're getting more snow tonight but it looks like the precipitation totals have been lowered. Thank goodness, I'm tired of shoveling! And I haven't had it nearly as bad as my brothers and stepfather. They've had entire driveways to shovel out while I just have to shovel out my car.
There is Buddy Dog in Sudbury. It is right on Route 20, I think.