Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Snow Snow Snow

You might have heard, we had a wee bit of snow this weekend.  The Blizzard of 2013 is what they're calling it.  I'm fairly lucky in that I live in a community that clears the snow from the sidewalks and roadways.  We are responsible for digging out our own car.  As the storm progressed through Friday night, the snow piled in front of our screen door to the point we were trapped in our apartment.  Fortunately our really cool neighbor dug us out.  He knew Jason was struggling with his knee and he wanted to help us out.  I did thank him when I found out.  Anyway, Saturday as the sun began to come out, I attempted to find the car.  I had foolishly parked next to the piles of snow accumulation set aside my barrels.  I shoveled for 15 minutes before my lungs and back gave in and I went back down the steep hill (which was hardly cleared) where I wiped out in the snow spraining my ankle. I got up and then went back inside to the warmth of the apartment.

Two hours later Jason (armed with his tough knee splint) and I climbed the steep ramp carrying shovels and found the work I'd already done had been swept back by the gusts of wind.  We spent more than an hour clearing out the car and pulled it forward enough so that we could get out Monday morning.

Sunday disaster struck.  We ran out of toilet paper.  I made my way up to the car got in and pulled out, no problem.  Meanwhile there were about 30 people down the parking lot road clearing their cars out.  I drove past them with little difficulty and found the short drive to Shaws clear.  I ran in and with a dollar bill and a handful of change, I bought two rolls of the most generic cheap 1 ply toilet paper you can get.  It's all I could afford.

I got back to the community and discovered people had been throwing the snow from their cars onto the road and a plow hadn't been through in awhile.  My tough little Scion pushed through the snow and I made it back to my spot only to find someone else had taken it.  Growling I turned around and headed back to a clear spot I had passed.  Because of all the snow thrown in the road I got stuck.  I asked three guys to push me out, which they did.  I finally got to a spot but I had to shovel a little to get into it and the woman shoveling next to me yelled at me for piling snow where she was clearing it.  I apologized meekly, slammed the car into the spot and brought the toilet paper down the steep ramp back to the apartment ready to cry.

Monday morning I got out easily, thank goodness, and drove Jason to work.  Then I drove to Arlington to pick up a check from my other account.  I drove through terrible rush hour to 4 different Bank of Americas to find one that opened at 8.  None did so I went to one that opened at 9 and took a cat nap in the car.  I then proceeded to go grocery shopping.  Upon arriving home I was trying to get into an only partially cleared spot when I stepped on the gas too hard and stuck the car into a snow bank.  With a car full of groceries I finally got the car unstuck and parked in a cleared spot.  Then I made 5 trips between the car and the apartment, up a flight of slippery stairs to bring the groceries in.  I put the groceries away, drank one diet cola, and then went to get my stitches out.  She had trouble getting 3 of the 6 stitches out and it hurt.

I was late picking up Jason and went I went home, I was reminded how much I love my husband.  Jason helped me relax, and wind down.  I had a nap and felt much better.

So now a Meteorologist is claiming we should expect more storms this year.  I'm seriously considering moving out of New England to a place like North Carolina.  Snow is pretty when it falls and then melts away.  Snow is not pretty when it cause deaths, road rage, and parking rage.

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