Wednesday, August 12, 2015

University of Toronto, My First Mania

I went to the University of Toronto for a year.  I also got into University of Western Ontario and Northeastern University in Boston.  I picked U of T because it was in a big city, it was a big school (55,000 undergrads), and it was cheap with the US/Canadian exchange rate at the time.  Not to mention the fact it is a bloody great school.

I spent all of high school being shy.  I was depressed and lonely, and didn't know how to interact with people.  When I got to U of T, I was really alone.  My dad dropped me and my things off and left.  I spent the first night wondering if I'd made a terrible mistake.  The first morning I was there, I went to the co-ed bathroom for our floor.  Upon exiting the bathroom stall, I saw a young man brushing his teeth, which startled me, even though I knew it was co-ed.  He introduced himself as Amit, and he was the President of our house, Ferguson House.

My roommate showed up late that date.  She was from South Korea, I forget what her actual name was but her Anglicized named was Kristina.  I didn't realize I'd just met my worst enemy.

As Frosh Week started, we did things as a house and as a College.  I was in University College.  We marched through Downtown Toronto chanting things I can't remember, and we sat down in the busiest intersection in all of Toronto for one full traffic cycle, just to show how rebellious we were.  We also went to a Blue Jays game, and a Booze Cruise.  I met Kate, who was also on the first floor of Ferguson House, and she snuck me a Labatt Blue.  I was 18 and the drinking age in Ontario is 19.

I came out of my shell a little bit and was soon elected the person in charge of the Vacuum Key for Ferguson House, earning me the nickname, "Vacuum Jenn".  I became friends with Bruno, and his friend (who is now his wife) Jacqueline of a neighboring House, Jodi, Julie, Moti, Nick, Kate, and Heather.  Heather I met during Frosh week, I think.  We were eating across from each other and she had her hair covering one of her eyes.  As I got to know her I found out that she had an artificial eye.  She had her eye removed when she was a baby because it was cancerous.  She was an Art student.  I wish I could find her on Facebook, because I'd love to catch up with her, but I can't find her.  I can't find Kate either.  None of us can remember her last name.

As the year progressed, I got less and less sleep.  I wanted to go to bed somewhere between 10 and midnight, which is what I put on my roommate matching form.  Kristina however wanted to talk to her friends all night long on the phone.  I could not sleep.  I didn't realize it at the time, but another reason I couldn't sleep was because I was going manic.  Not just a little hypomanic, but full blown mania.  I thought I was above going to classes, that I could ace them without trying, I thought that I could drink as much as I wanted without any consequences, I spent my money as though there were no limits, I would go out clubbing and dance for hours without stopping.  I talked to EVERYONE.  I would drop by anyone's room if their door was open. I even befriended some of the jocks.  What were their names?  Povi, Andrew, and Patrick?  Now this may sound like typical college student behavior.  You know, first time without parents and such.  I thought I could fly I was so high.  I was lucky I didn't jump off any buildings.

In February, I brought Jodi home with me so she could see Boston.  I was a complete bitch.  If you're reading this Jodi, I'm really really sorry.  I think we went into Boston and Harvard Square once.  I was a bad host.  I was just really agitated.  I babysat the five boys I was a Nanny for in my Senior year of High School while I was home, while the 8 month pregnant mother went out.  Jodi and I had taken the bus.  18 hours of uncomfortable hell is the only way to describe it.  I was just walking into my dorm room with the phone ringing and I answered it.  It was something like midnight.  It was my mother to say that the baby was born and had died.  Katherine was her name and there would be a funeral in a few days.  Well I lost it.  I called my father and begged him to pay for an airplane flight home so I could go to the funeral.  He did after some convincing.  I flew home and the Philbins were so appreciative I was there.  And yes, it is the same Philbins as in Joe Philbin, the Miami Dolphins Head Coach.

That triggered the crash.  I fell from my mania into a pit of despair.  I started cutting myself and after awhile my friends noticed and told the Senior Don (head RA) who got me an appointment with a Psychiatrist the next morning.  I was put on medication and the Dean was notified, who notified my professors, who gave me extensions on my papers.  I squeaked by with grades ranging from C- to B+, which were actually pretty good since I never went to class and barely studied.

The biggest lesson I learned however from my time in Toronto was that Canadians do not like the U.S.  In fact they hate it.  And all I heard, non stop was how evil it was, and how stupid Americans are.  It wore me down and after a year, I decided, along with some health factors, that I did not want to go back.  I am still friends with Jacqueline, Bruno, Jodi, and sort of Julie and Moti, though I don't think they're on Facebook much.

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