Friday, September 13, 2013

50 Shades of Amazing

Normally I would not promote a Facebook page that is not my own.  But if you want to see spectacular mostly tropical views I suggest you like the 50 Shades of Amazing Page on Facebook.  The pictures are breathtaking, taken all over the world.  Though I confess, there were a lot of Bora Bora.  One day I WILL see some of these places.  I will go on vacations and visit tropical locations.  Anyway, it's a goal to set for myself.

I'm completely in love and addicted to my Guinea Pigs.  If you haven't figured that out already you haven't been reading my blogs.  Smores is growing so fast.  She's such a sweetie pie.  Though she's a little nibbler.  She sat on Jason's neck for a good half hour yesterday and let him pet her.  Then we brought Snickers in and Snickers allowed us to pet her too.  I think she was trying to steal the thunder from Smores.  Then Snickers in her usual playful self went exploring.  Bernie shrieked like mad when I picked her up yesterday.  You'd have thought I was killing her!  But then of course she started purring once she settled down.  Oreo's face is doing much better with the ointment.  Her bacterial infection is I think almost gone.  Penny has been a good girl and hasn't bitten me the last few times I picked her up.  And Amy?  Oh boy, she is skittish!  It's hard enough to pick her up but two minutes after you do she takes off and tries to hide in the bed.

I have a cold.  Blah.  My throat is red and sore as are the glands underneath it.  My right ear is blocked and I have sinus pressure and a runny nose.  So to the doctor I go tomorrow.  It's probably just a cold but I've been getting strep a lot so I'd feel better if they tested me for it.

No luck on the job front.  I lose internet completely any time now, so I will be spending lots of time at Dunkin Donuts and Panera for their wifi.  Comcast was supposed to come twice this week but both times they decreed my apartment too messy to work in.  So I'm spending the next week cleaning.  Yuck.  But once it's clean it will be so nice.  We can have dinner guests and I won't be enbarrassed to have my social worker come over.

I suppose that's all for now.  Have a good Friday the 13th!  Oh wait, it's 1:15am, it's Saturday the 14th now.  Oh well.  Time does fly.

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