Mount Ida may be beyond my financial grasp. My mother needs to agree to cosign a loan for the remaining amount left on my bill. Which for Semester 1 is a lot of money. I am going to try an Appeal to the Financial Aid committee and I am working on pulling together the necessary paperwork. But anyway, my mom is unlikely to cosign for several reasons. The biggest is that my husband was laid off from his primary job on Wednesday. I'm not going into that but suffice it to say he is once again looking for a job. His second job will help us squeak by.
Now you may be wondering, "Wait a minute, didn't you just get hired at CVS?" Why yes I did. But I am out on health leave because I can't stop getting sick out of both ends. That's as graphic as I'm going to get. I'm seeing a GI doctor on Tuesday so hopefully we can put together a plan to get me back to work. We need the extra $150 or so a week.
So what would a smart person do when she goes to PetSmart to buy frozen mice, hay, and guinea pig food? She would AVOID the guinea pig enclosure because she has a big heart and can't stand the cuteness. Well I wasn't so smart. On Friday I went shopping there and fell in love with a baby Abyssinian Guinea Pig. So Saturday I drag my husband in to show him and he VERY reluctantly agrees to letting me get Smores. That's her name because her coloring is Graham Cracker, Marshmellow, and chocolate. She's beautiful and only about 5 weeks old. She fits in the palm of my hand. We put her in the cage with Snickers and put Bernadette back in the big cage with Penny, Amy, and Oreo. So far no problems.
Okay, yes I know the timing was pretty poor. But my heart is big enough to love all my babies and it makes me happy.
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