Friday, September 26, 2014

Peter Chiarelli, Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Okay so I get it We have a salary cap and it prevented us from keeping Iggy, but why are we filling so many spots with young players?  It's killing us in the preseason, which I suppose is the point of the Preseason.  See who works well who skates well with whom, etc.  But man, my Habs loving relative is razzing on my because the Habs have won 24 Stanley Cup Finals and the Bruins only 6.  Although our last won was only three years ago, and one year ago we made it to the Final. 


So there you have it.  We're getting our asses handed to us in the preseason but hopefully that means we triumph in the regular season, and go all the way through the playoffs. 

GO BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Guinea Pigs Save Lives, Please Don't Feed Them to Snakes

I love my piggies.  You must know that if you've been reading my blog posts.  I manage a Guinea Pig Page on Facebook (I Love Guinea Pigs), and I belong to a closed guinea pig group on Facebook.  Now I know that people initially think guinea pigs are easy to take care of and are good starter pets, but that's not true.  They require love and attention.  They require unlimited supplies of hay, pellet food and vegetables with vitamin C.

Now I hear horror stories that snake owners troll Craigslist looking for free guinea pigs to feed their snakes.  I can't stand this thought because my six piggies all have different personalities and social structures.  Piggies are not snake food.  If you need to give up a piggie, find a loving family or else a rescue organization.  Piggy Haven out of St Paul, Minnesota has a great one if you live in that area.

Just to be clear, I have three snakes of my own.  None of them are big enough to eat guinea pigs so it's all okay (we keep them separate just to be sure.)  I can't feed a living animal to another.  We buy frozen/thawed mice and rats for our snakes.

My piggies have saved my life.  When I've been down in my deepest hole, I pick up one of my snuggle muffins and I feel better.

Here are some pictures to leave you with: