About a month ago my husband's cheeks turned red. A few weeks later he went to see a doctor who told him he had foliculitis. She prescribed some cream, told him not to shave, and gave him some antibiotics. Well a few days later he broke out into pustules and it hurt him so badly for me to apply the cream. We called the doctor and they didn't seem to understand how much pain he was in and how bad the pustules were. They told him to wait out the antibiotics. We called back the 24 hour line and they suggested Cetaphil Cleansing wash. We got some of that and then his face was on fire. I called again and insisted he see someone. He met with a Nurse Practitioner who actually recognized the severity of his situation. She put him on a stronger antibiotic and told him to come in to urgent care the next day. His white blood cell count was 15.8. The next day, a Saturday, we went to see another Nurse Practitioner. She immediately started him on IV antibiotics. They left the port in and told him to come back the next day for more.
The next day (Sunday) we went back and my husband was feeling dehydrated and dizzy so they ran more blood. His white blood cell count was up to 18. They called Lowell General and had him admitted directly. While there he saw an Infectious Disease doctor and the Hospitalist. They tested for all sorts of bugs and my husband went through all sorts of blood draws (he is TERRIFIED of needles) painful salves, bandages, medications, IV bags, IV antibiotics, and pussing. A LOT of pussing. The pustules on his face would burst. Eventually they wrapped his face. Poor guy looked like he'd had plastic surgery.
Anyway, through all of this I was there to hold his hand and was there from morning til night. It was hard on me but hardest of all was knowing he was in so much itching burning pain. He was in the hospital for five days. They prescribed him strong antibiotics and new ointment to put on his face. He found that taking hot showers helped so he spent a week in the hot shower just letting the water open his pores. Then I would put the ointment on it.
Today we saw the dermatologist. And I noticed something new. The pustules were coming back. So now the plan is to increase the antibiotic from twice a day to three times a day. He sees the same Infectious Disease doctor from the hospital in less than a week and then the dermatologist and his PCP the week after that.
In the end the hospital report suggested it was MRSA and some other unidentified bug. My husband is a real mess. I thought it was over but it's not quite there yet. I would post pictures but I don't want to gross you out. Anyway, bottom line is it sucks to be in that much pain and it sucks to see someone you love in that much pain.